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Summer 1980 |
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Bill's Letter from Coco Point June 18, 1980
Happy Birthday! Jan. 17, 1979
Monday, June 15, 2015
Keeper of the Key: Inspector Paul Viani - July 23, 1983
Keeper of the Key: Inspector Paul Viani - July 23, 1983: Inspector Paul Viani Advocates Division Dept. of Consumer Affairs 80 Lafayette Street New York, N.Y. 10013 Dear Inspector Viani: I w...
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Mueller - October 12, 1977
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Mueller
Scenic Garden Apts. # 14-J
Wappinger Falls, NY 12590
Many thanks for the lovely visit and roal treat of homemade cake and meringues. We were so glad to have had enough time to be with you during our busy weekend. I know Mama had a good visit, too.
Enclosed is the copy of the article concerning Vitamin B-15. I have found that I am feeling so muchh better, as does Marshall amd Bll as well. Manyy of my friends are taking at least six a day. My older friends are looking increasingly younger and vital.
I hope that you find them available in your area. If not, I can go right next door and get some from Spatz's to see to you.
Take care of youselves and keep in touch.
Karen (Bill & Marshall, too)
Stuzie's Letter
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Barbuda Sunset |
I am writing separate letters to you and Bill because each of you gave us different pleasures in Barbuda.
I enjoyed talking to you very much and I hope something will come of your desires vis a vis Mr. Jourdan because you are very talented. But I am sure, even if that doesn't work out, there will be other equally good outlets.
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Evening Scrabble Game - Stuzie Little on the right. |
I hope you will visit us in N Y. As I write to Bill there is always a bed and I would love to see you before the next reunion.
Anyway from me to you, it was a nice friendship forming and I'd like to keep it up.
My thanks again.
Love from Stuzie
(Not sure the date of this letter written on tissue-thin pale blue paper in blue ball point ink. Stuzie was Stuart Little's wife. Stuart was Bill's classmate at Yale. We had reunion gatherings. One was at Coco Point Lodge. I'll be editing and adding some photos of that gathering.)
Dear Virginia - January 26, 983
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Coco Point Sea Treasures |
Dear Virginia,
Here I am again, playing with the computer. I got tired of it for awhile and became a beach bum, walking 2 miles, shelling, snorkeling and getting more sun. Then, it all became a bit boring so I decided to spend a couple days of just doing some paper work and thinking.
When I go down to the lodge I start acting like tourist and doing tourist things. I visit, stay too long at the table, watch the little birds eat the brown sugar and become a total nuisance to myself.
I'm not inclined to start any long, deep novel. Marshall has left a couple of Paul Harvey books with quick stories about a one or two pages each. I am studying a manual called "Crash Course in Microcomputers" loaded to me by one of the guests. That is heavy enough.
I hope you got "People" magazine recently, the one with Marvin Mitchelson on the cover with the Pulitzer divorce matter. There are some very important things you should read and keep in mind. It was "whammer" especially the little section about how men should do the women in a divorce. Get it. Read it.
There has been a wonderful person here who is the guest of the pilot and his wife. Her name is Jo Ann. We have become friends and enjoy each other's company. Her husband of 17 years pulled a fast one and went off with secretary "in love" etc. and now trying the old routine. She has recovered quite well, looking tanned, healthy and happy. I think he thought she would crumble. Coco Point has been the answer for her. She will win this one. He gave her a remarkable separate maintenance agreement and she wisely filed divorce which means the terms go on. He nearly had a heart attack! He thought he would be magnanimous, she forgiving, etc. He sounds pretty dumb to me. I hope she holds out and wins it all.
Bill has been on lemonade, to I've not had any real problems with him. He does try to get feisty once in awhile but I don't tolerate it. He knows not t push me too far.
Well, I know the end of the page is coming soon and I won't know how to stop the printer in time to keep it from running off the page onto the roller.
*Note: Virginia was a wonderful friend for years. Haven't been friends for about 10 years now.
Letter to Chrissie - January 10, 1983
Dear Chrissie,
This is my second attempt at writing a letter on the Osborne computer to you. There is something wrong with the second return because the first line indents one space. Probably something technical that I don't understand!
Bill, Marshall and Burt Closson are out on an adventure in a small little car called "The Hustler" which will give them some good bounces along the way. I know they will have a good time while I'm back here fooling with this new toy.
We have been having a wonderful time doing all the things that one would expect at Coco Point, i.e. swimming, sunning, etc. I'm going to have to resist all the wonderful things that come from the kitchen. Our chef really puts out some tempting delights. I just enjoy looking at the display and array of everything.
The flight was very easy. Actually quite enjoyable. Tomorrow we go to St. Martin for some shopping.
I hope all is going well on your moving project. I imagine you will be glad when it is finished. I know you do enjoy fixing up a new place and decorating.
If you need to write me - send your correspondence to Coco Point Lodge, Suite 500, 200 Madison Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017.
Be good and think good thoughts.
This is my second attempt at writing a letter on the Osborne computer to you. There is something wrong with the second return because the first line indents one space. Probably something technical that I don't understand!
Bill, Marshall and Burt Closson are out on an adventure in a small little car called "The Hustler" which will give them some good bounces along the way. I know they will have a good time while I'm back here fooling with this new toy.
We have been having a wonderful time doing all the things that one would expect at Coco Point, i.e. swimming, sunning, etc. I'm going to have to resist all the wonderful things that come from the kitchen. Our chef really puts out some tempting delights. I just enjoy looking at the display and array of everything.
The flight was very easy. Actually quite enjoyable. Tomorrow we go to St. Martin for some shopping.
I hope all is going well on your moving project. I imagine you will be glad when it is finished. I know you do enjoy fixing up a new place and decorating.
If you need to write me - send your correspondence to Coco Point Lodge, Suite 500, 200 Madison Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017.
Be good and think good thoughts.
Pat & Joe's - August 3, 1978
Pat & Joe's Homemaker's World
12000 Princeton Pike
Cincinati, Ohio 45246
Dear Pat & Joe:
This is a "thank-you" for the wonderful service and quick delivery of the high quality commercial carpet to Karen's Studio last month.
J. Lee Rasmussen had the good sense to bring me to your place of business and helped me to make the decision to get the carpet before the opening of the "Louisville Show" at my studio.
It is only because of Lee's insistance, that I was able to meet the challenge of completely redoing the studio in an elegant fashion. Your help and cooperation made the event. The opening on July 12th was an outstanding success.
As a result of your help, I wrote my column for Skywalk News and gave you a "plug" for your store. Hopefully, some customers will come in as a result of my praising your good work.
I can't tell you how much it mens, in a small letter, to have had this change in my business. It has chaned my attitude toward the studio/gallery. I have made many more sales. It will mean the difference between a "going" business and one that was eventually doomed to failure. Now, with a new interior I feel that I am just as fine of a gallery as any around the entire city.
Whenever, that is if you are ever in town, do stop in to see the studio. I would like to be here when you stop in. I am usually here all day on Thursdays. I want you to see original art. I would hope we could coordinate our efforts if ever needed on future plans for original art.
My special thanks to you both. I am so pleased that Lee brought me to you. He is a dedicated, hard working man who has my greatest respect in his choice of knowing what to do to improve one's image in the business world.
Karen L. Kelly
(Update - that carpet is still on the floor in the Player Piano Shop at 611 Main Street downtown Cincinnati. I gave the studio up many years ago, but Harry Garrison - father of son Marshall - brought his player pianos to that location and bought the building, too).
12000 Princeton Pike
Cincinati, Ohio 45246
Dear Pat & Joe:
This is a "thank-you" for the wonderful service and quick delivery of the high quality commercial carpet to Karen's Studio last month.
J. Lee Rasmussen had the good sense to bring me to your place of business and helped me to make the decision to get the carpet before the opening of the "Louisville Show" at my studio.
It is only because of Lee's insistance, that I was able to meet the challenge of completely redoing the studio in an elegant fashion. Your help and cooperation made the event. The opening on July 12th was an outstanding success.
As a result of your help, I wrote my column for Skywalk News and gave you a "plug" for your store. Hopefully, some customers will come in as a result of my praising your good work.
I can't tell you how much it mens, in a small letter, to have had this change in my business. It has chaned my attitude toward the studio/gallery. I have made many more sales. It will mean the difference between a "going" business and one that was eventually doomed to failure. Now, with a new interior I feel that I am just as fine of a gallery as any around the entire city.
Whenever, that is if you are ever in town, do stop in to see the studio. I would like to be here when you stop in. I am usually here all day on Thursdays. I want you to see original art. I would hope we could coordinate our efforts if ever needed on future plans for original art.
My special thanks to you both. I am so pleased that Lee brought me to you. He is a dedicated, hard working man who has my greatest respect in his choice of knowing what to do to improve one's image in the business world.
Karen L. Kelly
(Update - that carpet is still on the floor in the Player Piano Shop at 611 Main Street downtown Cincinnati. I gave the studio up many years ago, but Harry Garrison - father of son Marshall - brought his player pianos to that location and bought the building, too).
Inspector Paul Viani - July 23, 1983
Inspector Paul Viani
Advocates Division
Dept. of Consumer Affairs
80 Lafayette Street
New York, N.Y. 10013
Dear Inspector Viani:
I was going through my files today and ran across your name and address. Remembering what help you gave me in returning $9000.00 worth of merchandise to that linen store on 5th Avenue made me say, "Whew, thank God you guys were there to help."
My son and I were wondering what the reults of that incident were. My mind goes totally blank as to the names of the people who had the store (that file info is in another file). Did they go out of business? Did they open up somewhere else?
As a result of what happened to me, I have been very careful to watch all sorts of fast-talking people. I resist efforts to pull me into some scheme. It was a tremendous lesson for my son who will ust that experience throughout his life as an example of "slick operators".
Again, many thanks. I know I thanked you before, but another letter should cheer you.
Karen L. Kelly
Advocates Division
Dept. of Consumer Affairs
80 Lafayette Street
New York, N.Y. 10013
Dear Inspector Viani:
I was going through my files today and ran across your name and address. Remembering what help you gave me in returning $9000.00 worth of merchandise to that linen store on 5th Avenue made me say, "Whew, thank God you guys were there to help."
My son and I were wondering what the reults of that incident were. My mind goes totally blank as to the names of the people who had the store (that file info is in another file). Did they go out of business? Did they open up somewhere else?
As a result of what happened to me, I have been very careful to watch all sorts of fast-talking people. I resist efforts to pull me into some scheme. It was a tremendous lesson for my son who will ust that experience throughout his life as an example of "slick operators".
Again, many thanks. I know I thanked you before, but another letter should cheer you.
Karen L. Kelly
Letter to William E. Minshall - July 24, 1983
Dear Bill:
My thoughts have been recently directed toward past happy events and good friends. As a result, I have been doing a lot of typing of letters.
My inquiry is this: Are you still at the above address? If not, where are you and what are you doing? What has become of Gerald Schiappa?
Bill and Patrick have just produced a marvelous brochure on Coco Point. Has the New York office sent you a copy? If not, let me know and I'll be sure you and Franny have one of your own. It is a beautiful spread of pictures worth having for happy memories.
I imagine you are pleased with all the grandchildren. I think I heard that there were more since we saw you in Washington.
Marshall completed his freshman year at Kenyon. He returns the 30th of August. Seems to enjoy it a great deal.
My life is filled with getting all the paperwork done .... which piled up during my stint at trying to elect Bud Brown as Governer of Ohio. Another whole year gone! He is supposed to be Deputy Secretary of Commerce. I guess you know him pretty well.
I've been trying to get a job in Washington. Not certain if I can balance it along with my desire to be at Coco Point this winter. This house in Indian Hill takes a lot of supervision, i.e. maintenance which requires a great deal of my time, too. I guess I want to do too much.
Say "Hello" to everyone. Keep in touch.
Love, Karen
My thoughts have been recently directed toward past happy events and good friends. As a result, I have been doing a lot of typing of letters.
My inquiry is this: Are you still at the above address? If not, where are you and what are you doing? What has become of Gerald Schiappa?
Bill and Patrick have just produced a marvelous brochure on Coco Point. Has the New York office sent you a copy? If not, let me know and I'll be sure you and Franny have one of your own. It is a beautiful spread of pictures worth having for happy memories.
I imagine you are pleased with all the grandchildren. I think I heard that there were more since we saw you in Washington.
Marshall completed his freshman year at Kenyon. He returns the 30th of August. Seems to enjoy it a great deal.
My life is filled with getting all the paperwork done .... which piled up during my stint at trying to elect Bud Brown as Governer of Ohio. Another whole year gone! He is supposed to be Deputy Secretary of Commerce. I guess you know him pretty well.
I've been trying to get a job in Washington. Not certain if I can balance it along with my desire to be at Coco Point this winter. This house in Indian Hill takes a lot of supervision, i.e. maintenance which requires a great deal of my time, too. I guess I want to do too much.
Say "Hello" to everyone. Keep in touch.
Love, Karen
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